TN State Museum & Nashville Farmer’s Market

Originally the plan for today had been to hit the zoo. But the forecast was projecting rain, which honestly, that’s no biggie, we can handle it. However, the twins also woke up insanely early and were cranky little monsters…..and yeah. Good thing they’re cute.

After putting the cute monsters down for their nap, Clara, Jonas, Logan and I went to the Tennessee State Museum. And not gonna lie, one of the perks of this particular site is that it is FREE!! Hooray!! One of my favorite things!!

The upper level of the museum is dedicated to a Tennessee through time exhibit. And much like the exhibit that we saw at a museum in Georgia, it begins with a very brief Geological History of Tennessee, starting at the very beginning with the Big Bang, plate tectonics, early flora and fauna, etc.

The rest of the exhibit is dedicated to the Anthropocene era: beginning with Native Americans and going through many of the major historical events, ending with today.

Here are a couple of highlights:

After checking out this exhibit, we went downstairs to the Children’s Gallery. It was a large room with really cool murals. But, to be honest, it wasn’t our favorite children’s gallery. (Is it possible that we’re becoming museum snobs? 😬) Honestly, I think that the problem was partially because it was pitched to younger kids (like Logan and younger) So, the activities weren’t that interesting to the older kids. And let’s be honest, there was nothing to climb on…😂😂😂

After the Children’s gallery, we hit the gift shop, where we got our usual assortment of souvenirs: stickers and keychains. And then we were out.

Nashville Farmer’s Market

After leaving the museum, we wandered over to the Nashville Farmer’s Market, which shares a parking lot with the Tennessee State Museum.

We wandered around a bit, checking things out. But it was getting close to closing time and a lot of stalls and shops had already closed shop for the day. So, we got ice cream. And it was flipping fantastic. Seriously, some of the best ice cream I’ve ever had.

At that point, the market was getting pretty close to closing time, and it was coming up on dinner time and so we headed home.

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