Twins’ Bday Celebration & All the Things

Isaac and Evie’s Belated Birthday Celebration (05/20/22)

The twins’ birthday fell on moving day (when we came to D.C.) So we decided to delay our celebrations until we were a little bit more settled. They are now three! How did this HAPPEN?!? The time has absolutely flown.

For the celebration, we had pizza and watermelon. Because yum.

And of course, there were presents. Their sheer delight about everything was definitely my favorite part of the evening.

I got a video of Isaac losing his mind about the cars that his siblings bought for him. And it might be the cutest thing ever. The sibs also bought Evie a toy camera, cause she is constantly pretending to take pictures, she opens that present in this video also:

And of course, we had to do our fancy cake. And with ice cream (we’re not monsters!)

To end the evening’s festivities, we watched a couple episodes of the twins’ favorite show: the Octonauts.

The Jeppsons

So, when we were in Miramar Beach, we happened to meet another nomading family at church and we’ve actually kept in touch ever since.

The day that we arrived, Travis texted Jonathan about a Brandon Sanderson book that Jonathan had recommended. And he mentioned that they were currently in Washington, DC.

Shut the front door! WHAT ARE THE ODDS!?!?! Well, as soon as we figured that out, we planned a get together.

However, with Isaac’s stomach bug, we had to put off our visit for a couple of days, but they ended up coming with us to church and then they came home with us afterwards to hang out and eat.

And it was so great. They are even more awesome in person than we had remembered.

It has been a while since we’ve interacted, in-person, with people on a non-superficial level; we tend to do a lot of small talk. And while talking on the phone or over Facetime is fine, it just isn’t the same. And so it was good for all of us to be with them and their family.


One of the funny features about this house is how the sleeping arrangements have worked out. The house has 3 levels. And there are beds on the bottom level (all twin size) and the top level (2 bedrooms with a queen size apiece.)

We didn’t want to make the older kids be responsible for the twins in the middle of the night if they needed something.

The twins cannot sleep together, or sleep does not happen. Especially during naptime.

So, it has worked out that the older kids are downstairs. And Jonathan and I are in separate bedrooms, each of us with one of the twins.

So of course, we’ve joked a lot about how we are separated right now. But there is hope for a reconciliation.

ANGELA AND CO. (05/24/22)

So, we actually got to have a lot of in-person interaction this week!! I have a good friend that lives in Alexandria, which is just across the Potomac, and so we set up a time for our two families to get together and have dinner.

It was surprisingly nice to be in an actual home. The twins were so excited for toys and books.

The older kids were most excited about the books. They have their Kindles (which we try to keep loaded up with stuff to read) but there is just something about a physical book. They spent a fair amount of time reading while we were there.

After dinner we went to the playground in their neighborhood and let the kids run around. It was just so lovely to be in person with a friend.


Jonathan has started running lately; he’s doing a 5K training program. And after he had done a couple of workouts, he invited Clara to join him, and she has been going with him ever since. And she has been crushing it. She’s truly a great little workout buddy.

And she has really come to enjoy doing it with him. There is a nice little green space not too far from our house that they have enjoyed. And the other day they went running on the Mall even, which they will definitely do again.

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