What a year! Amiright!?
Just before Covid upended things, we were extremely fortunate to move from our 2 bedroom townhome into a lovely house with a basement and a large backyard. I’m pretty sure that quarantining in our old place would have made all seven of us lose our collective minds.
Jonathan- Because of Covid, Jonathan has been working from home and this will continue indefinitely! Hooray! He is doing really well at Zillow. Jonathan has also been slaying the homeschool game with the kids. (The man is a saint.) His beard and hair have reached such great heights (lengths?)
Jill- Has done approximately 5,000 loads of laundry, produced 10,000 meals, and broken up about a million fights since March. Also, why do they have to eat so often!? She also continues to write for @comefollowmeinsights on Instagram and has been learning calligraphy. Her plant parent game is strong.

Clara- (Almost 9) Is a voracious reader. We can’t keep up. She even saved up her allowance and bought herself a kindle. She has also officially moved from an enthusiasm for flamingos to a full blown obsession with dragons, and is in the process of wallpapering her room with all the dragon-themed art that she has produced. She was baptized earlier this year, and for her 8th birthday she got to go to Harry Potter World with Dad. They managed to get the trip in three weeks before the Covid-19 shutdown.
Jonas- (7) Spends most of his free time building things in the basement. He isn’t particular about his building materials, the kid just likes to build. And pretty much always while listening to an audiobook. Jonas also loves music, he loves singing, playing the piano and the violin. He learned how to solve a Rubiks cube this year, and he is pretty dang fast. He is developing a passion for reading and math.

Logan-(4) Is pretty much making up for the first 3 years of his life when he couldn’t speak. He regularly leaves our ears burning. And oh my goodness, that kid is hilarious. He is also very into fashion. While his siblings are content to stay in pajamas all day (in Clara’s case, in pajamas that are both too small and inside out), Logan regularly puts great effort into choosing his outfits. One of his favorites is camo on camo. He also regularly attempts to match outfits with family members. Dad is teaching him how to read and he is loving it.
Isaac-(19 months) We still can’t believe that we have a little redhead. And as his hair would suggest, he has a bit of a temper. He is especially accomplished at throwing food when he is mad. We’re hoping this means that his skills show promised in sports as opposed to serial killing. When he’s not mad, he is the snuggliest baby you could hope for. It’s THE BEST! He can say about 10 words, one of which is ‘Baby Yoda’

Evie- (19 months) Her favorite hangout spot is the bathroom, Until we finally wised up and put them up higher, she could frequently be found in the bathroom playing with everyone’s toothbrushes. She also loves to steal things from Isaac. One of her first words that she learned how to say was ‘Isaac’. Which we think is heckin’ cute.
Basically, it’s been a year of lots of love, legos, laundry, diapers, dragons, dishes, and noise. We feel incredibly blessed.