Wait. He was listening?

So. While Jonathan has been gone, the kids and I have actually been pretty good about reading the Book of Mormon most nights.  But, mostly it seems like the kids don’t pay attention at all.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to tell the kids to sit down, stop rolling around, stop reading other books, stop singing, stop fighting, stop this, stop that…And to please be quiet and hold still and listen. Most nights I felt like i was banging my head against a wall. I certainly didn’t feel like it was accomplishing much….

Now, don’t get me wrong.  I’ve persisted in doing it because I know that we are blessed for being obedient and for bringing the scriptures into our lives. And I knew that we had the spirit in our family more because of our nightly reading. But mostly I figured that we are investing the time now in making this habit, and that we would see the dividends of this habit later, when the kids are older. But I didn’t think they were listening.

But we had a cool experience tonight that changed my mind about that.  We were reading 2 Nephi 25.  We started in verse 24 and read through 28. The word ‘Law’ appears in these verses a bunch of different times. And as Juju was rolling around and climbing around on the bed, he suddenly asks “What does law mean?” HE IS LISTENING!!!!  This is the first time I’ve seen any indications that they are actually listening!!

And so we talked about how a law is like a rule and we talked about some of our family rules. And we talked about why Jesus gives us rules and commandments. And it was just a sweet little conversation.  If nothing else, hopefully they will remember that rules and commandments and laws are good. Or if not,  their mother was reassured that doing scripture study isn’t just an investment in the future.  Something is happening now in their little minds. 

(Sidenote: After we talked about laws, Clara told me all about Joseph Smith and how he was sick when he was a little boy, and the doctor came and did an operation on his leg, and his mom had to go outside so she wouldn’t cry. (She’s listening in primary!!))

As I’ve thought back on this evening, I realized that I stopped reading at one point to explain something to them.  (2 Nephi 25:26- We talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ…)  I stopped to remind them that Christ refers to Jesus Christ, and so these scriptures were talking about Jesus.

It has honestly been a while since I’ve stopped to explain or help them understand what we have been reading. (And a lot of the reason for that is that we have been in the Isaiah chapters….and I was unfortunately of the ‘Let’s get through the Isaiah chapters’ mindset. Guh! Cringe!)  So, Juju had an opportunity to ask a question because we weren’t just blazing through as fast as we could…

Oh! What would I do without those little critters!? They teach me so much! Needless to say, I am going to approach our scripture reading a little differently. And I’m going to remember that even if they don’t appear to be internalizing anything, they are still listening, intermittently at least.  

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