Washington Monument, WWII Memorial, Lincoln Memorial

Goodbye Charlotte!!

After driving for about an hour, we stopped at the Waffle House for our moving day tradition. Of course, the food was delicious, but we were sitting right under the A/C vent and so everyone got a little bit frosty.

After breakfast, we got back on the road, and made it to Virginia! We stopped at a rest stop for people to use the facilities and to switch drivers and there were cute things to take pictures with too. #WIN

Eventually we entered DC and, we started seeing things of a historical nature.

We had decided to check out a site or two on the National Mall instead of heading right for our AirBnb. So, we drove around until we found parking. And we partially unpacked the car to retrieve the stroller… while the children fed the squirrels…

We were parked pretty close to the Washington Monument, and so that is where we headed first. It is massive. It is hard to get a sense for how large it is unless you see it in person. We wandered around the grounds for a moment and then continued on our way.

Just beyond the Washington Monument is the World War II Memorial. It pays homage to both the Pacific and Atlantic theaters of the war. It is a lovely tribute.

After the WWII memorial, we walked by the Lincoln Reflecting pool on our way over to the Lincoln Memorial.

Eventually we made it over to the Lincoln Memorial and it was a madhouse. Apparently, in DC, hanging out at the Lincoln memorial on prom night is the thing to do. And there were 4 high schools doing their prom on this night. There were many hormones running around.

In addition to all the prom-goers, there were the usual tourists, and people doing photoshoots.

So, yeah, I for one was a little bit ‘people-d out’ by the time we left. 🥵

Heading back to the car, we walked through a tree-lined path that parallels the Lincoln reflecting pool. It was lovely.

Eventually we made it to the car, and from there, we went to the Airbnb. The children ate chips and popcorn for dinner, cause that is what the host had left for us as a welcome gift. 😂😂😂

We put everyone to bed and Jonathan went to the grocery store.

It was a full day!

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