But first, a brief update on all the other things…
Ok. Just a fun little something to share…. Sooooooo…. I’ve been consistently doing yoga again for about a month and a half. And I was able to do an unsupported (not against the wall) tripod headstand for the first time!!! WOOOT! I’m super pumped about that! And then I worked with Jonas a bit too and he was also able to do it! We were both very excited 🤓🤓🤓
Ok. That’s all. Back to your regularly scheduled programming….
Naturally, we’ve been swimming a nearly every day, trying to get in as much pool time as we possibly can before we have to leave New Hampshire. (😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)
And there have been plenty of other normal things as well: School, exercise, chores, laundry, etc.
Jonathan has still been running a lot with the kids. I love that they are running buddies. It just makes me so darn happy.

Yellow Jacket Trail
So, now, onto the stuff mentioned in the title….
Today was Jonas’s turn for a Mom’s Night Off (MNO) hike!! (Last hike in New Hampshire 😭😭😭. Cause it’s Thursday and we leave Saturday morning 😭😭😭)
For our hike, Jonas and I did the Yellow Jacket trail. I’m not sure why its called that. We did not see any yellow jackets of the bug variety or of the apparel variety. 🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️
It was a lovely trail that just meandered through the forest parallel-ish to a brook.
We made our way down to the brook at a couple of different places. And we did a little bit of wading too. The water was COLD. But we were pretty warm from hiking, so it was refreshing.
I have truly enjoyed doing these one on one hikes with the kids. It can be all too easy to just see the kids as a collective unit. And so, it’s been nice to hang out with them individually and to spend time with them as themselves. I’ve loved the conversations I’ve had with them. They are just smart, sweet, funny kids.
And man, New Hampshire is such a beautiful place. Nearly every hike that we have done this month has been within 15 minutes of our house.
This has definitely been one of my favorite places we’ve stayed during this nomad year. I would love to come back.
Eventually we made it to the end of the trail.

After we finished, we drove into the little town just south of us and found a place to eat. And it happened to be an AMAZING pizza joint. Seriously. SUCH GOOD PIZZA. And it just had a fun ambiance to it as well.
And I think that may have been some of the finest garlic bread I’ve ever had.
This was a fantastic way to end our fantastic evening. And Jonas fell asleep in the car on the way home. 😂😂